Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winner wurwa! GIVE HIM A JOB!

/FROM UPLOADER/ Throwing this video from the Columbus Dispatch out there, hoping we can find this talent a place to call home.

UPDATE-1: Many thanks go out to all of you who have been tossing phone numbers and e-mails my way for Ted's sake. I went up to Hudson/I-71 (Columbus) today, but Ted wasn't there. He is going to be on air tomorrow morning on radio station WNCI. I've left my contact info w/WNCI to call/e-mail me on a way to get your enormous opportunities over to him.

I'm going to give him a Trac phone (w/ample minutes) so that he can return calls to all of you.

Hopefully, in some way I'll get in contact w/him. Peace.

UPDATE-2: To all those who have been writing me (as one of Ted's only means of contact), I have learned that the radio station interviewing him tomorrow (1-5-11) a.m. is going to make him a formal offer. Whether true or not, we'll see.

Hope it works out well for him. That was the whole point of me posting this video. I cannot thank enough everyone who was willing to do their part in offering Ted their helping hand.

Whoever lands him is certainly getting much more than a memorable personality; they're getting a great human being as part of their team.

My best to all.

UPDATE-FINAL: Well everyone. You can give yourselves and Ted a high-five. He's being given offers hand-over-fist over the air. He'll be set for life.

My request to all. Whenever you run across a story such as this, don't assume it'll take a life of its own, on its own. It won't. It can't. There are too many other stories that drown out the next one.

You need to spend time to get that story, its word out to many. If you care, you'll do it.

Keep the faith, pay forward and always lend a hand; even if you're the one who needs it.

God bless Mr. Williams. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him for sometime to come.


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